This is a listing for 6 assorted plants that are selected BY PLANTS N FINS from a list of potential plants (list is at the bottom of description). We guarantee all 6 plants will be unique (no duplicates). This only extends to the first 6 purchased. PLEASE READ BEFORE BUYING: EXTREME WEATHER UPDATE This item can survive many days in packaging and DOA's typically occur only if the package is left in a mailbox or porch for extended periods of time. For this reason, it is the BUYER'S RESPONSIBILITY to know the weather in their area and plan accordingly. Our Suggestions to avoid exposure to Extreme Weather: Selected a faster shipping method (Priority Mail) and a heat pack will also be included in winter for animals. Follow the Tracking number closely to make sure you bring your package inside when delivered. Request that we mark your package to be held at your local post office for pick up. RETURN POLICY Items delivered DOA will only be refunded if: We are messaged immediately after the tracking shows delivered (within 2 hours of delivery). No items will be refunded if the message is more than 2 hours after being delivered. Provided pictures of the items in their packaging. WHY YOUR PLANTS MAY LOOK DIFFERENT FROM PHOTO: *Most of our plants are grown emersed . (Roots in water, leaves/stems out of water). This means the plant will melt (shed its "air" grown leaves) when submerged in your aquarium and grow back its submerged growth. * Many plants have VERY different looks (leaf shape, size, and color) when comparing their Emerged growth to their Submerged growth. This is very common. When you submerge your plant in your aquarium, it will melt back (this does not mean it is dying or dead) and grow back it's submerged growth which is will resemble the picture used for this plant. WHY EMERSED GROWTH IS A GOOD THING: Plant farms that supply aquatic plants for commercial trade will choose to grow aquatic plants in emersed form if possible. This negates the need for CO2 management, and many emersed forms are more hardy (emersed growth have to grow sturdier structures to hold their own weight against gravity, while submerged forms have water to support their weight). Emersed forms are thus easier to grow, and easier to transport. RED PLANTS Red Plants may need more iron (Fe) supplement than other plants to achieve their best look. Iron (Fe) is the mineral that causes the red to appear. Please research your plants and provide them the environment and nutrients they need to thrive. Our Aquatic Plant Bundle, meticulously curated to transform your aquarium into a vibrant underwater paradise. This bundle features six exquisite aquatic plant species from the following list of potentials: Amazon Sword Crypt Wendtii Bronze Blyxa Red Alternanthera Rosanervig Myrio Filigree Oriental Sword Cryptocoryne Wendtii Mi Oya Kleiner Prinz Sword Rotala Indica / Ammania Bonsai Ludwigia Inclinata Cuba Rotala Magenta Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green Limnophila Hippuridoides Java Fern Narrow Leaf Vesuvius Sword Cryptocoryne Lucens Bacopa Monnieri Cardinal Plant Micro Sword Potted Banana Plant Java Fern Trident Java Fern Tiger Lotus Bulb Scarlet Temple Temple Dwarf Sagitaria Bunch Rotala Wallichii Sagitaria Narrow Leaf Rotala Red Rotala Nanjanshan Rotala Mocranda Rotala Vietnam Hra Rosette Sword Rose Sword Red Rubin Sword Red Ozelot Sword Red Melon Sword Red Flame Sword Radican Sword Cryptocoryne Retrospiralis Bolbitis Broadleaf Myrio Red Myrio Green Mermaid Melon Sword Marble Queen Sword Cryptocoryne Lutea Ludwigia Super Red Mini Ludwigia Red Ludwigia Ovalis Kleiner Bar Sword Jungle Val Bunch Cryptocoryne Wendtii Red Cryptocoryne Spiralis Corkscrew Val Bunch Contortion Val Bunch Anubias Nancon Anubias Barteri